Your Ultimate Guide To Essentials For A Searing Heatwave


You walk outside and within seconds there is literal sweat dripping down your back. You go out on a first date and the person you're meeting refuses a hug. You’re averaging three showers a day, and changing outfits even more. Whatever your heatwave summer looks like it is proving, for most of us, to be an absolute vibe killer. 

Not only is the heatwave bad for the summer social scene, but we all know that this summer’s temperature is also evidence that we are living on a rapidly warming planet due to climate change. Last summer was hot, this summer is hotter, and though we may not know what next summer will bring, there are things we can do to take care of ourselves and slow our impact on the planet. 

Take this as our essential heatwave guide to staying cool, staying safe, and lowering our greenhouse gas emissions. 

Tips & Tricks

When it’s this hot, there are some things to keep in mind to stay safe all summer. And, it helps to be prepared to keep yourself and your community safe. 

  • Make sure you have water with you. If you will be out for a long time, consider keeping a frozen bottle of water on you to cool yourself down. 

  • Water is good, but so are snacks! We lose energy faster in the heat so having a salty snack is helpful when you feel dehydrated. 

  • Keep in mind where you are going and that the heat index will increase throughout the day. If you don’t need to travel during the hottest hour of the day consider rearranging your schedule. 

  • Make sure that wherever you are going, there are places with air conditioning available to you. Libraries, hotel lobbies, bookstores, and coffee shops are useful places to retreat to when you have had enough of the heat. 

  • Keep in mind those around you! Unhoused folks or people who work outdoors are in more vulnerable positions. Consider carrying water bottles or snacks with you and pass them out to folks who can’t retreat inside. 


When it’s hot like this, we’re often unaware of how much additional energy is needed to get through our daily tasks. This is the perfect summer to get used to having a water bottle with cool water with you everywhere you go. 

Sun Protection

This summer’s heatwave heat is a direct result of the increasing carbon dioxide in our atmosphere that traps the sun’s heat. It also creates stronger UV levels that can harm our skin and cause harm to our bodies and our longevity. It is important, regardless if you are at the beach or not, to protect your skin and eyes from the sun all summer long. 

Staying Cool

When you are waiting for the subway, the bus, or just trying to walk to the market around the corner, the heat can overtake you. Having a fan to keep your cool while you’re simply living your life is essential.


Dressing Light

Even when it's this hot, we still have to wear clothes (boo). Dressing in outfits that are light and loose-fitting can help you stay cool. Linen, silk, and hemp are ideal fabrics for this weather, and they can be sourced sustainably.


Finding Shade

If you still want to enjoy the beauty of a summer spent outside, we recommend bringing some shade with you on your adventures out of the city.