Why the Lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio are giving me hope for the climate movement


When I was a little kid a family friend and I shared a birthday and for years she would call me her Gemini Twin. The gemini identity stuck with me. Throughout high school and college, astrology became a major interest and passion of mine. Studying my own chart, those of my friends and family, and later investing energy into institutional charts and shared transitory experiences has deepened my interest in this very old divinatory practice. The practice of astrology is not for everyone, but for me it has become a tool for communication, self expression, and hope. 

I was introduced to the concept of North and South Lunar Nodes in college when the South node was conveniently oriented in Sagittarius, the sign that rules higher education and travel. This sign entered the South Node in May of 2020 when the reality of a long term pandemic truly set in. A South Node placement means that the values of the sign in the node will go through a period of purging, disruption, and release. Sagittarius South Node stayed there until January of 2022, and we watched as the areas of higher education and travel were completely spun on their heads and possibly altered forever. During a personal time of disruption, looking at this part of astrology provided me answers and made me feel less alone. 


Photo: Spirit Daughter


Now this past Winter, our North and South Lunar Nodes shifted again. This shift is one that is providing me with more hope, excitement, and energy. I think that for those of us that are invested in the care of the climate and the practice of sustainability, you may find motivation and hope here too. 


In January of 2022 the North Node entered Taurus while the South Node shifted to Scorpio. The South Node signifies a period of release and the North Node signifies a period of growth or expansion.

For the next two years we may feel an expansion of the values associated with Taurus – especially material things associated with the earth.

Many of us are witnessing the very real effects of climate change after a summer of severe heat waves. And while this is definitely disheartening, I believe that as the effects of climate change become more evident in our day-to-day lives, the reality of it will become increasingly more difficult to ignore. 

The North Node in Taurus is forcing our focus towards our planet and demanding our attention. The moon is exalted in Taurus which means this Lunar placement is especially powerful and strong. For me, the strength of Taurus in the North Node illustrates that as a collective we will approach climate change with a shared strength and a desire to heal. In addition, Taurus is a sign that craves and relies on stability.

After years of instability, we will likely notice an individual and collective desire to create stability and security again. I am hopeful that we will act this out in the arena of environmental policy and action.


Photo: Youth Opportunities Hub


 While climate is being placed directly in our face with Taurus in our North Node, the South Node in Scorpio is asking us to release inner ghosts and enter a period of purging our shared anger or darkness. Scorpio is the sign that rules the taboo, the uncomfortable, and the flawed. We will be unable to shy away from our collective flaws through this transit. Meaning that our responsibility towards how we have treated the planet will be undeniable and will demand recovery.

As we release things associated with the planet of Mars (Scorpio), we move towards things associated with the planet of Venus (Taurus). Meaning we release anger, resentment, sensitivity, and strength and we experience love, indulgence, beauty, and divine femininity. 


These north and south nodal placements feel motivating for me. Astrology doesn’t have to be a tool to predict the future. We are not asking you to take these astrological moves as fact, but rather as inspiration. Take this illustration of the nodes however you’d like. I use it to reflect, process, and ground. I am choosing to interpret these nodes as an entrance of healing and earthly responsibility. Whether or not astrology is a practice that sticks for you, maybe the illustration of these North and South Node placements will provide some internal reflection that you didn’t know you needed. 


For me, reflecting on these placements asks me to answer how I will express the qualities of Taurus and Scorpio for the next two years, and how I will take responsibility for my planet within that time. I am hopeful that Taurus and Scorpio will bring us, as a collective, towards a period of environmental healing and the reality of climate action will show up in our face with such power we will be moved to take action. If astrology is a practice you enjoy, where are you finding hope within it today?