Sustainable Spring Pieces For Your Zodiac Sign

The spring equinox has passed for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere and we are enjoying some slightly warmer temps, longer days, and probably many new feelings. For those of us who are particularly affected by the shifting of the planets, we might experience a lot of new physical and emotional sensations. Like any seasonal change (astrological or natural), a desire for change is usually expected. So why not channel that energy into updating your wardrobe with a fun, new, susty piece? This Aries season and spring equinox, we developed a style guide that combines your horoscope with a fun ’fit rec to compliment your zodiac perfectly. Let’s call them…style-scopes? 

Before we dive into the style-scopes, let’s run through this spring, astrologically speaking. We are entering Aries season, duh. This trailblazing fire sign will inspire visions of new projects, new travel, and push us out of our comfort zone. At the same time, this fire sign energy flows through our communication styles as Aries stations in Mercury. However, as Venus rolls into Taurus, we might experience a bit of pushback as we root into our relationships and seek stability and consistency. We might also experience some catharsis in the areas of anger and passion when Mars enters Cancer, the cardinal water sign. Of course, our various placements will navigate these shifts differently, so learn more about what to expect and, of course, what to wear! 

Sustainable Baddie loves Chani Nicholas and this horoscope guide is informed by the Chani blog.

1. Aries 

    • What’s the vibe? Because this is really your season Aries, get ready for new adventure and courage coming your way all spring. You have sat through a long water sign season and it is time to step into your fire again. Get ready to speak your mind, to stand up for what matters to you, and to embark on new opportunities boldly. Don’t forget to practice gratitude and appreciate your community while you take charge. 

    • What should you wear? Empowerment and adventure will take over your energy this spring, so sport a look that embodies that cardinal spirit.  Fashion Brand Company is a slow fashion brand that highlights all of our dreams and ambitions. Think unique, comfort-forward pieces with empowering phrases that remind you you can be a boss, but in a silly, goofy way. These Business Woman shorts will keep you making progress on all those goals without sacrificing good times along the way. 


2. Taurus 

    • What’s the vibe? This fire sign season can be a difficult one for Taurus, but stepping into it with ease will help. Be ready to face negative thoughts with more time and energy for reflection. You will have the renewed energy to embark on fresh starts and new perspectives. This season is about staying present and seeking reassurance from loved ones. 

    • What should you wear? Greta Garmel x Berriez: Greta Garmel is an LA-based designer using fabric manipulation of recycled and vintage materials to make classy and gorgeous pieces. She and Berriez collaborated to make a line of size-inclusive pieces. Greta Garmel and Berriez are both small-batch and vintage-inspired, and this collection is the perfect dose of newness dressed up with a cool, calm, collected energy that Taureans are known for. 


3. Gemini

    • What's the vibe? Aries season brings Gemini some of those big brain moments this spring. The Fire sign energy currently ruling both the sun and Mercury means that this air sign is ready for expansion and new ideas all season long. Get ready for new projects, fresh takes, and a dopamine kick to the brain. 

    • What should you wear? There are few things that spark the same refreshing energy in the spring as newly budding flowers. Fresh flowers are a great reminder that newness, expansion, and rebirth are on the horizon. These Tyler Mcgillivary pants represent that spring energy and are perfect for any Gemini who is ready to embark on new ideas…in style. 


4. Cancer

    • What’s the vibe? Go bold, go big! It may come as a surprise, but this fire sign season will be one of your best yet. After a period of deep introspection, it’s time to step into all that power you cultivated, Cancer. This is a time to follow your dreams and invite expansion into your career or personal goals. Trust yourself! 

    • What should you wear? Lean into big, bold, gorgeous metallic flats like these from Nicole Saldana. Don’t be afraid to tell the world that you’re stepping into your power. These statement flats are giving, “…One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.” 


5. Leo

    • What’s the vibe? This spring, you might feel compelled to embark on an individual journey and look inwards. Although this might feel unnatural, it will pay off in the end, Leo. Expect new personal discoveries, artistic and creative growth, and an expanded vulnerability. Lean into the new realizations and don’t question the change that comes your way. We promise it will be worth it. 

    • What should you wear? Embarking on a more personal journey and getting out of your inner comfort zone requires a certain level of comfort and consistency. Opt for comfort without compromising on style in Yowie’s gender-neutral loungewear collection: Yowie Every Day. Philly-based, Black-woman owned, Yowie is the perfect accompaniment to your own trailblazing journey, especially of the more internal kind. 


6. Virgo

    • What’s the vibe? Aries season is all about collaboration and community building for you, Virgo. You’ve been hard at work and have made connections along the way. It’s time to invest in your relationships as a way to create new pathways for community care. Get ready for inspiration in your business and personal relationships, and start making progress towards those ideas that feel the most authentic to you. 

    • What should you wear? To lean into your community-oriented goals this spring, freshen up your look with some cool and conscious Consistency Project pants. The Consistency Project specializes in making reworked designs using vintage pieces, but they use their designs as a call to action and a tool for reevaluating the ways that we interact with clothes. Community care and mutual aid endeavors can be daunting, but take it from the Consistency Project: you can do anything with a couple of extra pockets. 


7. Libra

    • What’s the vibe? Get ready to be inspired toward honesty this season, Libra.  You will be called to say whatever you have been holding back recently. With honesty comes more transparency, more vulnerability, and more authenticity; and word on the street is that it will only help you make progress

    • What should you wear? What screams “transparency” more than dressing up in this gorgeous lace skirt? This deadstock design from Luz Muerta is one of a kind, just like you. It will remind you to stay true to your vulnerability and your inner truth. You are not hiding this season. 


8. Scorpio

    • What’s the vibe? This fire season is rocking things around for you, Scorpio, but in a good way. Get ready for new opportunities in your day-to-day routines. Those habits and patterns that feel dull and dried out are about to be replaced by new exciting endeavors that will keep you excited about the future. 

    • What should you wear? New routines mean a renewed sense of stability and consistency. Stability is anything but boring this spring. Instead, it will invite new ideas and new adventures, if you’re ready for it. Exemplify your newfound consistency with a staple piece like these gorgeous gold hoops from Yam NYC. They will take any outfit to the next level and go with every style your new routines demand. 


9. Sagittarius 

    • What’s the vibe? As we enter one fire sign season, Sagittarius you are likely left with a call to step into your light. After sitting patiently through earth, air, and water sign seasons, fire season is back and you are feeling the energy.  This is a time for you to apply the information you learned in past seasons to advocate for yourself, build better boundaries, and practice being your true authentic self. We are rooting for you! 

    • What should you wear? Being bold sometimes looks like saying what we mean, showing up for ourselves, and being unapologetic about our passions; and sometimes, it looks like wearing that statement piece you have been hoarding for months. Sagittarius, it is time to pull out the patterns, the colors, and your boldest outfits. Something daring like this dress from Tessa Fay is exactly what we’re thinking. 


10. Capricorn

    • What’s the vibe? The fire sign season can be a bit jarring for this solid earth sign, but Capricorn, if you let your guard down, there’s so much to access this spring. While everyone else is speeding up it is okay to take the time to slow down, put energy into yourself and your space, and break up with your negative thought patterns. This spring is about reflecting on your needs and learning to create environments to become your best self. 

    • What should you wear? Every low-maintenance baddie knows that a dress is the best outfit for the times when you want to just chill out. We love this classic and simple dress from Gil Rodriguez because it is the perfect piece to wear inside while you’re doing all that inner healing work, but easily dress up for those moments when you need to socialize again. Because Capricorn, you really can do both! 


11. Aquarius

    • What’s the vibe? Aquarius, do not be afraid of spontaneity this season. As a sign who likes to think things through (overthink, much?), it is time to release the need to know and allow yourself to just dive right in. Get ready for a season of expression and excitement, but be wary of impulsivity. It is easy to lose sight of intent when trying to trust more – we know you’ve got this. 

    • What should you wear? The best way to remind yourself to be conscious of impulsivity? Wear it. These shoes from Viron are literally called Impulse, so simply can’t hide from them. These statement shoes will definitely help you walk the path of new adventures and spontaneous excitement. 


12. Pisces

    • What’s the vibe? Pisces, you guessed it: another season of emotional release is upon us. You’re all too familiar with what it means to feel your feelings, and this season, combined with that Aries energy, you are feeling things on a whole new level. Get ready for emotional release and a whole lot of yearning. We know you can handle it, and come out on the other side with more emotional intelligence to share with everyone you know. 

    • What should you wear? When you’re preparing for a season of emotion and catharsis, feeling comfortable and cozy is going to help you step into it with ease. The accessories and one-of-a-kind pieces from Soft Shell knits are soft and made with love, just like you.