A 2023 Zodiac Forecast for the Sustainable Baddie


Baddies…we have a year ahead of us according to the stars. The astrological forecast for 2023 is chock-full of major transits, retrogrades, and planetary shifts. Every person will experience these transitions differently based on your individual chart. However, as a collective, we are going to experience transformation, and a lot of these transformations may be reflected in climate action and sustainability. If living more sustainably is a New Year's resolution for you, or just something you’d like to prioritize more this year, knowing how it might show up in the zodiac for you in 2023 can help keep you on track. So get your favorite astro app out, refresh yourself on your chart (houses matter too!), and let's get down to business. This astro-forecast covers some of the basics and the major transits, but we recommend getting more detailed info from some of our favorite astro-experts: 

Chani Nicholas

Alice Bell and Maxine Luzia

Alice Sparkly Kat

Major Retrogrades

When things get wonky, we all want to know… “What planet is in retrograde?” This year, prepare for every major retrograde, and don’t let these backwards-moving planets throw you off your game. Check out the retrograde forecast below and get ready for when the universe decides to shake things up a little: 

  • Mars Retrograde: We are kicking off the year with a Mars in retrograde moment. We have been living with Mars in retrograde since October, and we are just nearing the end. On January 12th, the planet of action will finally make its way back to neutral. When we are in a Mars retrograde, our motivation, ambition, and drive can feel slowed. This means that the feelings of refreshment that we usually associate with the new year may take some time to come to fruition. It is likely that you might feel a bit dragged down as the year gets started, but the best thing to keep in mind is that this will not define your year! Be patient, and that start of the year buzz will come soon. 

  • Mercury retrograde throughout the Earth Signs: Throughout 2023, Mercury will move retrograde in Capricorn (Dec 12th, 2022- Feb 6th), Taurus (April 7th-May 31st), Virgo (August 3rd-Sept 29th), and Sagittarius (Nov 25th, Jan 2024). Astrologers Alice Bell and Maxine Luzia suggest preparing as much as you can to get through these retrogrades peacefully. Mercury in retrograde impacts our ability to focus, how we manage our time, and prioritize our responsibilities. You can use this insight to avoid planning important deadlines during retrogrades or setting goals that work around these dates. That way, you can allow yourself to slide through the Mercury retrogrades while protecting your peace at the same time!

  • Venus Retrograde in Leo:  One of the more significant transits happening in 2023 is this Venus retrograde coming to us in late summer, July 22nd-Sept 3rd. Venus has not stationed retrograde in Leo since 2015. This retrograde season will be felt heaviest by those who have Leo in their chart. Because Venus is a planet that rules relationships (romantic and other), it is possible that changes and shifts in partnerships will happen around this time. Because of the retrospective nature of a retrograde, you might notice a resurfacing of older relationships/partnerships, or familiar patterns that are in need of closure or reflection. 


North and South Node Shift: Back in August we gave you the lowdown on the Taurus and Scorpio Nodes of 2022. Now, we are back with an update on the Lunar nodes and some thoughts on where they might go next. The Lunar nodes will begin transitioning out of Taurus and Scorpio, and our North node will enter Aries and South node into Libra. Over the four Lunar eclipses this year, we will experience a wrapping up of Taurus and Scorpio and uncertainty in areas of Libra and Aries. Moving out of water and earth signs might mean that we begin to feel lighter and more energized towards independence, discovering new ideas, learning new things, meeting new people, and collaboration. The North Node signifies what we are working towards. Aries rules independence, leadership, and courage, so we may feel called to embark on new adventures and try things that previously scared us. Whereas the South Node shows us the foundation that we are continuing to build upon. This South Node in Libra will give us space to continue growing and solidifying our commitment to seeking balance and achieving justice. Aries will drive us to act independently, whereas Libra will ask us to do so with the intention to seek justice. 


Jupiter Transitions through Aries and Taurus: This transit is one that we are especially excited about at Sustainable Baddie. The planet of Jupiter rules things like higher learning, travel, and philosophy. Jupiter rules the ninth house of spirituality. This planet starts the year in Aries and will stay there until May 16th. Aries is a sign known for its leadership qualities, and its ambitious, driven, courageous energy. We will likely feel called to act in the areas of Jupiter; travel, trying new skills, going back to school, and exploring spirituality will feel energized. For sustainable baddies, this could mean a drive to explore new ways of tackling climate change in our own individual lives, or diving into bigger-picture solutions. 

Following this transit, Jupiter will move into Taurus. This earth sign rules our second house of security and stability. Jupiter has not been in Taurus since 2011/2012. This transit will contrast with what we saw in Aries because it will ask us to slow down and be more intentional in the areas that Jupiter rules. However, it can also be a really powerful time for making tangible progress, for finding optimism, and for embarking on future goals. For sustainable baddies, it will be important to avoid temptations of overconsumption and overspending that may surface in this transit. Instead, focus your energy on being resourceful and engaging in community care or mutual aid, which are areas that will feel empowered in this transit. 


Saturn Moves into Pisces: This coming March, get ready for a big transit, especially for Pisces and mutable sign placements. Saturn, the planet of hard work, determination, and success, will move into Pisces on March 7th, and it will remain there until February of 2026. If Saturn is stationed in Pisces in your chart, this means that you are beginning your Saturn return, an era of intense transformation and maturity. If this is your Saturn return, buckle up for a few years of reimagining your life's purpose and undergoing a lot of new challenges in the pursuit of your own identity.  For those who are not embarking on our Saturn return, we will likely still experience this transit heavily. As a collective, we may experience more grounding in areas like spirituality, the mystical, and mental health. We might be drawn as a nation to take these areas more seriously. We may also be asked to take ourselves more seriously and to shed some of the unhealthy habits and behaviors of our generation, like internet use, overspending, and addiction. For mutable signs and those who have Pisces in their big three, questions of “who am I?” and “who do I want to be?” may surface with more potency than usual throughout these next few years. 


Pluto Moves from Capricorn to Aquarius: Last, but certainly not least, is the transit of Pluto from Capricorn into Aquarius and then back again. Pluto is a planet that will stick in one sign for a very long time. Pluto has remained in Capricorn since 2008 making this its first move in years. However, this transit will be short and sweet. Pluto will do a short stint in Aquarius starting on March 23rd and return to Capricorn in June, where it will stay through the rest of 2023 before moving long-term into Aquarius in 2024 through 2043. Although it will be difficult to be reflective during this very short period in the spring, some seeds may be planted that will take root later on during that 2024-2043 period. With Pluto in Capricorn over the last few years, this sign that deals with tradition and institutions has endured a period of uprooting and transforming under the influence of Pluto. In the spring, Pluto will move into a sign that is more focused on progress. It is possible that we will embark on a collective drive for change, growth, and transformation. Ideally, this means that values of climate action and social justice will be prioritized as communal goals, but it is important for us to stay focused towards those goals at the individual level too. 


The stars have a lot to say this year, Baddies. Based on the information that we have explored, it is pretty evident that this year is going to be filled with action, growth, and transformation. Don’t be afraid to try new things and to explore new ways of thinking. In order to make progress in the sustainability movement, an openness to change is essential. Hopefully, our collective transition into powerful Air and Fire signs will signify a communal journey towards change for the better. Buckle up! Earth is embarking on a wild ride.